Cord Cutting: A Technique for Getting Unstuck

Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

Lately, I’ve been learning a lot about entanglements.

You know, that feeling you get in a situation or relationship that’s Just Not Working. No matter what you do, you can’t find a way to get unhooked. It’s like being bound up in a sticky spider web. Thrashing and spinning and generally getting nowhere.

Despite our best efforts, we all experience it. Our tender attempts to create intimacy or connection sometimes go awry, and we’re caught in a state we don’t like but can’t seem to shake.

Stuff like:

  • When a relationship ends, but we can’t fully let go.

  • That colleague who never gets us, no matter how hard we work at it.

  • A family member who always seems to push our buttons.

Believe me, I get it! I’ve been in all these situations, and more. Times when I found myself ruminating, strategizing, or hoping for a way out of that web… but unable to get there despite my best efforts.

When I’m really caught in it, I’ve tried many methods to get unhooked. Therapy. Internal Family Systems. Self-compassion practices. Positive Psychology. Journaling. Metta mediation.

You get the drift. They are all useful approaches, and have helped me to identify when and where I’m caught (and what I can do about it.)

I’ve also learned that these cognitive processes are sometimes incomplete.

Through my studies in psychology, Buddhism, mysticism and shamanic spirit work, I’ve discovered so much more about the ties that bind us. The projections we send and receive. The soul contracts and thought forms that lead to energic entanglements. The collective unconscious we’re all tapped into.

These invisible threads of connection link us to other people, places, and situations in ways our ears can’t hear and our eyes can’t see.

But the soul knows. Our heart, gut, and energy body know. We can’t “think” our way out of energetic cording, but we know it when we feel it.

Unhealthy energetic interference can feel like:

  • Persistent, repetitive thoughts about a person or situation

  • Behavioral patterns that you know aren’t good but can’t seem to change

  • Staying in a situation or relationship that you know is unhealthy for you

  • Holding onto a past hurt or betrayal

  • Constant conflict or challenges with a particular person or situation

  • Feeling unusually drained every time you interact with someone

  • A loss of energy and vitality with no medical explanation

As a shamanic healing practitioner, a simple technique I’ve learned for untangling these sticky energetic ties is the Cord Cutting Ritual.

Cutting cords is a beneficial energetic hygiene practice, one that helps to get our thoughts and emotions unstuck by loosening up these unhelpful attachments. It’s something we can do for ourselves, or with the help of an energetic healing practitioner.

Cutting a cord doesn’t necessarily mean we’re ending a relationship.

In fact, some cords are healthy and necessary. The nurturing cord between a parent and their child, for example. Or the relationship cord between you and an intimate partner.

But many of them aren't serving a useful purpose.

Sometimes a cord just needs to be cleaned up, releasing the burden of old wounds and betrayals so that the connection can be revitalized and restored. Other times, we may have multiple cords between us and another person that need to be pruned. Or there may be cords that must be fully severed, as is often the case with former lovers, friends, colleagues, or family members.

If you’re feeling caught up in something that you’re ready to shift, there’s no time like the present! Here’s what the ceremony entails:

Shamanic healing SESSION

60 - 90 minute Zoom video call

(Local? I am also offering in-person sessions, contact me for details!)


We’ll open with a conversation about your situation, and what you’re hoping to shift or release.

If needed, I’ll do a quick shamanic journey (it looks kinda like a meditation) to confab with my spirit allies and receive guidance on your behalf. Depending upon the circumstances, I may also lead you through a guided meditation to support you in connecting with your intention and the person or situation you'd like release.

Cord Cutting Ceremony
You’ll chillax for 10-20 minutes while I journey to perform the work in the energetic realm. You can meditate, visualize, listen to music, or just kick back and rest.

We'll discuss what you experienced and what comes next, including a take-home ritual that you can perform for closure and release.

60 minute session - $125

90 minute session - $175

To set yours up, you can use the link above to view my calendar. If nothing there suits your schedule, please contact me and I’m happy to work together to find a time that fits!

Chris Clark