

At this time of year, there’s a lot of energy around “making change”. And it’s cool. I like it. Generally speaking, I’m a big believer in the power of setting clear intentions.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of “resolutions” fail by February. And that’s in a typical year. I think we can agree that 2021 is anything but.  

Why do so many of our good intentions crash and burn? Because breaking old habits and building new ones is HARD! Scientific fact. It’s a brain thing.

(If you’d like to go down the rabbit hole and learn how our habitual choices get hard wired, along with strategies to effectively re-wire those patterns, check out the work of Charles Duhigg and Dr. Ann Graybiel!)

Most people I know, myself included, haven’t been feeling much inspiration lately around setting goals for the new year. As I talk to clients and other coaches, this trend has become even more clear. So if you’re not feelin’ it, rest assured… it’s not just you.

We’re living through a period that’s been breathtakingly difficult. We humans are resilient creatures, and you’ve no doubt found ways to cope and adapt as wave after wave of difficulty hit throughout the course of 2020. But as we normalize the abnormal and continue to move through our daily activities, many of us have lost touch with just how much our systems have been pushed to the brink.

It doesn’t help that Western culture reinforces the notion that our worth is measured by how much we produce and achieve. The way we’ve been living was already a recipe for burnout - 2020 just put the cherry on top. 

Redefine what it means to succeed

The world reminds us every day that there’s so much outside of our control. But here’s something that’s always yours: the ability to dream. Nothing and nobody can take that from you.

I’ll be the first to say that it’s just as important now as it’s ever been to aspire. I’d just recommend rightsizing the intention, scope and scale of your goals - this year, and always. Think: realistic and achievable. Small wins over total makeovers.  

One way to build momentum toward the life you want - even if you’re tired right now - is to think about your desired future state in terms of longings and dreams rather than a virtuous “to-do” list.  

Here’s how:

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ready to get started?

As a transformation and clarity coach, I partner with my clients to get clear, define the life they they truly want, and map out a specific course of action to get there. From mindfulness and positive psychology to tarot cards and personal rituals, my practice encompasses tools to connect with mind, body, and spirit.

If you’d like to explore how working together may be of benefit to you, I welcome you to check out my current offerings. And if you’d like a monthly dose of inspiration delivered directly to your inbox, you can sign up for my Spark newsletter below.

Chris Clark