Entering the Season of Night: Rituals for Reflection and Release

I’ve long been inspired by nature’s call to go inward at this time of year. Many of my most magical traditions and rituals occur between now and the first week of January. These annual practices support my well-being and expansion, encouraging me to intentionally design a life of ever greater joy, purpose, and inspiration.

If you have practices of your own to mark the passage from one year to the next, I encourage you to go even deeper with them this year. And if you don’t have any rituals place, consider giving a few of mine a try!

While what I’ve outlined below takes place over several weeks in December as a model, you can do these practices anytime. Whether you do all the steps in an afternoon, or stretch them across an entire month, the magic does its work! I like the energy of Winter for this, but who says you can’t mark passages as you please?


RETREAT - December 1-20th
Deconstruct (and defuse!) the passing year
Reflect on the challenges, celebrate personal victories, and harvest lessons to be learned.

Journal prompts:

  • What were the most memorable things that happened this year?

  • Where were your biggest challenges?

  • What are you most proud of?

  • What are you most grateful for?

  • If you had set out any goals for the year, where are you with them now?

  • Who are the most important people in your life?

  • What were your biggest lessons from 2020?

RELEASE - December 21st
Unburden and cleanse at the Winter Solstice

On or around the Solstice, set aside some time one evening for reflection. Step outside and notice the moon, the stars, the cloud cover… whatever you can. Take a walk after dark and really feel into the night. Think about everything you’re ready to release from this year. Sense it moving through you.

Upon your return, make a list of all that’s come to mind. Write each one on a different strip of paper. Place these papers in a box or other container, and continue to add to it if you think of other things you’d like to release over the coming weeks.

(We’ll get to the burning part soon enough!)

VISUALIZE - Solstice - New Year’s Eve
Awaken the dreamer within you

Explore creative possibilities for the year ahead. Whatever process works best for you: write, daydream, make a vision board (yes, there's science behind this - they really can help!)

Journal prompts:

  • In what areas of my life am I most satisfied?

  • What would I like more of (or less of) in my life?

  • Where are my biggest opportunities for growth?

  • If I could do one thing differently this year, what would it be?

  • What values guide my decisions?

  • What sources of support are available to help me achieve my goals?

  • What resources will I need to cultivate in order to create the future I desire?

BONUS: What tools can you use to turn these intentions into tangible commitments? What next action can you take? How will you hold yourself accountable?

New Year's Day: COMMIT
Seal your work with fire and magic

If you are able to do so, create a fire outside. I like to use branches from my holiday tree, or you can gather fallen limbs from the woods. If you have cleansing herbs, drop them into the fire to open your ritual. I begin with release, wrapping each strip of paper around a small branch, and individually "letting them go" by offering them to the fire. Once this is complete, I then take each of my intentions for the new year, and toss them into the fire as well, calling in what I would like to create.

This is a sweet ritual to conduct with family and friends. At the Clark house, we host a brunch and give our circle the opportunity to have their intentions witnessed in community. We circle the fire and all are welcome to speak what they are letting go of and calling in if they wish to... or they can make their offering silently. Kids especially love this annual ritual!

Ready to put your intentions in action, but need a little accelerant?

As a transformation and clarity coach, I partner with my clients to get clear, define the life they they truly want, and map out a specific course of action to get there. From mindfulness and positive psychology to tarot cards and personal rituals, my practice encompasses tools to connect with mind, body, and spirit. 

Curious? If you’d like to explore how working together may be of benefit to you, I welcome you to book a free 45 minute Discovery Call to find out more.